Jehanne Dubrow, Ph.D.
Distinguished Research Professor
Office: Auditorium 216
Jehanne Dubrow was born in Italy and grew up in Yugoslavia, Zaire, Poland, Belgium, Austria, and the United States. She is the author of nine poetry collections and three books of creative nonfiction, including most recently Exhibitions: Essays on Art & Atrocity (University of New Mexico Press, 2023). Her tenth book of poems, Civilians, will be published by Louisiana State University Press in 2025. Her poems and essays have appeared in The Southern Review, The New England Review, The Colorado Review, and Ploughshares, among others.JEHANNEDUBROW.COM

Tarfia Faizullah
Assistant Professor
Office: Auditorium 213
Tarfia Faizullah is the author of Seam (SIU 2014) and Registers of Illuminated Villages (Graywolf 2018). Her work appears in Yale Review, The Nation, Poetry Magazine, Guernica, American Poetry Review, the Academy of American Poets, BuzzFeed, PBS Newshour, and the like, and is reviewed by NPR, Slate Magazine, Paris Review, Boston Review, Ms. Magazine, and others. Her awards include a Fulbright fellowship, three Pushcart Prizes, as well as awards from the Writers League of Texas and a Texas Institute of Arts and Letters. She occasionally serves as faculty at Bread Loaf Writers' Environmental Conference and Sewanee Writers' Conference, among others, when she is not busy being an introvert. In 2016, Harvard Law School recognized Tarfia as one of 50 Women Inspiring Change.
Corey Marks, Ph.D.
Distinguished Teaching Professor | Director of Creative Writing
Office: Auditorium 214
Corey Marks is the author of The Radio Tree (New Issues Press, 2012), winner of the Green Rose Prize, and Renunciation (University of Illinois Press, 2000), a National Poetry Series selection. His poems have appeared in New England Review, The Paris Review, Poetry Northwest, Ploughshares, Southwest Review, The Threepenny Review, TriQuarterly, and The Virginia Quarterly Review. He has received a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Natalie Ornish Prize from the Texas Institute for Letters, and the Bernard F. Conners Prize from The Paris Review.
Daniel Peña, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor
Office: Auditorium 205
Daniel Peña is a Pushcart Prize-winning writer and Assistant Professor. Formerly, he was based out of the UNAM in Mexico City where he worked as Fulbright-Garcia Robles Scholar. A graduate of Cornell University and a former Picador Guest Professor in Leipzig, Germany, his writing has appeared in Ploughshares, The Rumpus, the Kenyon Review, Texas Monthly, NBC News, and The New York Times Magazine among other venues. He's currently a regular contributor to The Guardian and the Ploughshares blog. His debut novel, Bang, was published in 2018 from Arte Publico Press to critical acclaim. His debut collection of essays, How to Look Away, is forthcoming from One World/Penguin Random House. He lives in beautiful DFW.
Miroslav Penkov, M.F.A.
Professor/ Distinguished Teaching Professor
Office: Auditorium 213C
Miroslav Penkov was born in 1982 in Bulgaria. He moved to America in 2001 and eventually completed an MFA in creative writing at the University of Arkansas. He is the author of the story collection, East of the West (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011), and the novel, Stork Mountain (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016). His stories have won the BBC International Short Story Award 2012 and The Southern Review's Eudora Welty Prize and have appeared in A Public Space, Granta, One Story, The Best American Short Stories 2008, The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012, and The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2013. He was a finalist for the 2012 William Saroyan International Prize for Writing, and the Steven Turner Award for First Fiction by the Texas Institute of Letters. His work has been translated in over twenty languages. He is currently a fiction editor of American Literary Review.
John Tait, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Office: Auditorium 206A
John Tait's short stories have appeared in Narrative, Crazyhorse, Southwest Review, TriQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, The Sun, and elsewhere and have been reprinted in New Stories from the Southwest and the Crazyhorse 50th Anniversary Anthology. He has been the recipient of a Canada Council for the Arts Grant for Emerging Writers and has also received the Everett Southwest Literary Award, the Tobias Wolff Fiction Award, the Rick DeMarinis Award, as well as first prize in the H. E. Francis Literary Competition, the Dogwood Fiction Awards, and the River City Fiction Awards. He is currently fiction co-editor of American Literary Review.
Jill Talbot, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Editor, American Literary Review
Office: Auditorium 213B
Jill Talbot is the author of The Way We Weren't: A Memoir and Loaded: Women and Addiction, the co-editor of The Art of Friction: Where (Non) Fictions Come Together, and the editor of Metawritings: Toward a Theory of Nonfiction. Her writing has appeared in journals such as AGNI, Brevity, Colorado Review, Diagram, Gulf Coast, Hotel Amerika, Passages North, The Normal School, and The Paris Review Daily and has been recognized four times in The Best American Essays.
Bruce Bond, Ph.D.
Regents Professor Emeritus
Office: 213 Auditorium
Bruce Bond is the author of thirty-two books including, most recently, Immanent Distance: Poetry and the Metaphysics of the Near at Hand (U of MI, 2015), For the Lost Cathedral (LSU, 2015), The Other Sky (Etruscan, 2015), Black Anthem (Tampa Review Prize, U of Tampa, 2016), Gold Bee (Helen C. Smith Award, Crab Orchard Award, Southern Illinois University Press, 2016), Sacrum (Four Way Books, 2017), Blackout Starlight: New and Selected Poems 1997-2015 (L.E. Phillabaum Award, LSU, 2015), Rise and Fall of the Lesser Sun Gods (Elixir Book Prize, Elixir, 2018), Frankenstein's Children (Lost Horse, 2018), Dear Reader (Parlor, 2018), Plurality and the Poetics of Self (Palgrave, 2019), Words Written Against the Walls of the City (LSU, 2019), Scar (Etruscan, 2020), The Calling (Parlor, 2021), Behemoth (New Criterion Poetry Prize, Criterion Books, 2021), Patmos (Juniper Prize, U of MA), Choreomania (Madhat, 2022), Liberation of Dissonance (Nicholas Schaffner Award for Literature in Music, Schaffner Press, 2022), Invention of the Wilderness (LSU, 2022), and Therapon (co-authored with Dan Beachy-Quick, Tupelo Press, forthcoming), The Mirror, the Patch, the Telescope (co-authored with David Keplinger, MadHat, forthcoming), and Vault (Richard Synder Memorial Prize, Ashland Poetry Press, forthcoming). His work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including seven editions of Best American Poetry. Other prizes include the Allen Tate Award, the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Award, two TIL Best Book of Poetry Prizes, the Meringoff Prize, the Colladay Award, the Richard Peterson Prize, the Meridian Editors Award in Poetry, the Knightville Poetry Award, the Laurence Goldstein Award, the River Styx International Poetry Award, and fellowships from the NEA and the Texas Institute for the Arts. At the University of North Texas, he won the Eminent Professor Award, the Toulouse Scholar Award, the Creative Impact Award, and the David Kesterson Award for Graduate Teaching. Presently at the university, he is a Regents Emeritus Professor of English.