Recent PhD Dissertations
- Marcella Hunyadi, Hungarian Stories: A Collection of Short Stories
- Christa Reaves, Metamorphoses in Adaptation: Ovid, Shakespeare, and Modern Theatre
- JW Stewart, Seeing in Secret
- Kendra Vanderlip, Queer Street: Essays
- Joshua Zimmerer, Set Fire to the Rodeo: A Novel
- Mohammed Alhamili, The Emergence of Arab Nation-State Nationalism as an Alternative to the Supranational Concept of Ummah
- Anthony Buenning, Shakespeare and Early Modern Trauma
- Jay Gentry, The World We Want to Leave Behind: White Supremacy in the Apocalyptic Genres Past, Present, and Future
- Jonathan Duckworth, The Sometime Joy
- Maricruz Gomez, Chicana Decolonial Feminism: An Interconnectedness of Being
- Cassia Hameline, Stay for the Heron: Essays
- Kat Moore, Have You Ever Had a Broken Heart?
- Aza Pace, Her Terrible Splendor
- Travis Scott Ray, Stories and "Burning Man"
- Megan Arlett, Louisiana Saturday Nights
- Anum Aziz, Mapping the Feminist Movement in Pakistani Literature: Towards a Feminist Future
- Joshua Jones, Somehow Holier
- Minadora Macheret, Dear Bone Mother
- Takuya Matsuda, This Man is Your Friend: Knowing "Us" and "Them" in Ethnic American Literature of the Pacific Theater
- Lauren Rogener, Cultures of Elite Theatre in the Elizabethan and Jacobean Masque: Four Incarnations
- Andrew Smith, The Construction of the Fringe Extraterrestrial of Postmodernity
- Carly Susser, Molt
- Kevin West, Portal
- Brett Armes, The Ends of Smaller Worlds
- Rebecca Bernard, In the Way of Family
- Natalie Clark, Defining and Teaching Courtliness with Animals and Clothing in the Lais of Marie de France
- Brian Clifton, Wrong Feast
- Andrew Koch, Some Names for Empty Space
- Shannon Sawyer, True War Stories: Lies, Truth, and Recovery in the Non/Fiction of Vietnam
- Katherine Schneider, Body Doubles: Materiality and Gender Non-Binarism in Victorian Supernatural Fiction
- Stephanie Vastine, Queerness, Futurity, and Desire in American Literature: Improvising Identity in the Shadow of Empire
- Aurelia von Tress, Revolutionaries and Prophets: Post-Oppositionality in Kathleen Alcalá's Sonoran Desert Trilogy
- Sarah Warren, Oklahoma History
- Ruby Al-Qasem, Resurrection Attempts: Essays
- Stevie Edwards, Still House
- Sanderia Faye, Eleven
- Natalie Foster, Winter
- Allyson Jones, Just Ask: A Memoir of My Father
- Matthew Morton, Improvisation without Accompaniment and What Passes Here for Mountains
- Sebastian Paramo, Where We Split
- James Redmond, Because You Previously Liked or Played
- Iqra Shagufta, Postmodernity and Pakistani Postmodern Literature
- Daniel Stuart, Stalking Dickens: Predatory Disturbances in the Novels of Charles Dickens
- Virginia Wood, Tigers Born in the Same Year
- Conor Burke, Given That the Body Was Made
- Justin Carter, Brazos
- Cheri Paris Edwards, Your Blues Ain't Like Mine:Voices from the Other Side of the Color Line
- Kimberly Garza, The Last Karankawas: Stories
- Meghan Taylor Johnson, Poor Things: Objects, Ownership, and the Underclasses in American Literature, 1868-1935
- Ross Wilcox, Union: A Novel
- Spencer Hyde, Let It Run
- Nick Lu, Constructing Taiwan: Taiwanese Literature and National Identity
- Jessica Murray, Notes for the Manual Assembly
- Clint Peters, The Divine Coming of the Light
- Jeff Pickell, Jeff Pickell: New and Selected
- Timothy Regetz, Lollardy and Eschatology: English Literature c. 1380-1430
- Charlie Ricciardelli, The Hoboken War Bride: A Novel
- Brian Tatum, Rearranging an Infinite Universe: Literary Misprision and Manipulations of Space and Time, 1750-1850
- Heidi Cephus, Corporeal Judgment in Sheakpeare's Plays
- Trista Edwards, Spectral Evidence
- Anthony Cole Jeffrey, The Aesthetics of Sin: Beauty in Early Modern English Literature
- Tana Juko, Misrecognized and Misplaced: Race Performed in African American Literature, 1900-2015
- Darcy Lewis, Xenotopia: Death and Displacement in the Landscape of Nineteenth-Century American Authorship
- Nick McRae, Inscrutable House
- Amber Pagel, "How Can We Know the Dancer from the Dance?": Cognitive Poetics and the Poetry of William Butler Yeats
- Timothy Ponce, The Hybrid Hero of Early Modern English Literature: A Synthesis of Classical and Contemplative Heroism
- Karl Zuehlke, Momentarium
Recent MA Theses
- Xaviera Hernandez, Mexican Goodbye
- Frazier Johnson, Memories of Troy in Middle English Verse: A Study of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," "Troilus and Criseyde," and the "Troy Book"
- Caleb Kunasek, The Colonial Subject in the Early British Novel: Revisiting Colonial Captivity in Robinson Crusoe
- John Brandt, "Before This Memory Makes Sense": Essays
- Joel Najera, Beyond the Hold: The Evolution of the Ship in African American Literature
- Andrea Perez, Death Date
- Sara Ulery, Rein of Renegades
- Kaitlyn Brown, Exploitation, Justification and Overcoming through Voice: Exploring American Slavery and the Slave Narrative in "The Handmaid's Tale"
- Cade Mason, "Engine Running": Essays
- Martin Ramirez, "The Sandbox" and Other Short Stories
- Olivia Trotter, Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy: How Society of Spectacle Bred the Mockingjay
- Conor Flannery, Collected Stories
- Zachary Kusch, A Century of Ash
- Garrett Vesely, Mortal Ghosts
- Laura Allen, Driving Lessons and Other Stories
- WIlliam Ross Irvin, Life Holders
- Hunter Jernigan, Running from My Youth: Essays
- Benjamin Smith, "A Very Fine Piece of Writing": Parnell and the Joycean Text, 1905-1922
- Morgan Inigo Smith, Flotsam: Men in Isolation
- Leah Tieger, Animals Alive and Dead
- Jaya Wagle, Homeland/Split
- Jessica Beattie, Second Life, Second Chance
- Caleb Braun, Developer
- Lauren Pilcher, "A Kind of Ghost"
- Sarah Ridley, That Every Christian May be Suited: Isaac Watts's Hymns in the Writings of Early Mohegan Writers, Samson Occom and Joseph Johnson
- Cary Siegfried, "Failure to Yield": Essays
- Amanda Yanowski, Off Main Street: Stories