For developmental English, you will take two courses: ENGL 1310 and TSIW 1300. ENGL 1310 is the same English course that most UNT freshmen take, but TSIW 1300 — also known as "the corequisite", or "coreq" — is unique to you.

Here's what to know about TSIW 1300.

IMPORTANT: Always read your syllabus to get the most complete, up-to-date information! This information does not cover everything, and it does not replace your course syllabus.


An outline of the course's main learning objectives next to a colorful stack of books


What Skills Will You Learn?

Getting through college (and life) requires much more than just reading and writing. So, we will practice much more than just reading and writing. You will learn the following skills:

Skill You'll Learn
How You'll Learn It
How to set goals
How to think critically
  • Asking questions to consider multiple perspectives
  • Taking a stand
How to think introspecitvely
  • Being mindful
  • Identifying your streangths and weaknesses
How to take process information
  • Taking notes
  • Asking questions
How to read closely

What Will We Do?

To learn the skills you need to succeed (both in the classroom and beyond), you will practice specific study skills, apply what you learn to your ENGL 1310 major assignments, and develop material for your ENGL 1310 essays.

To do this, you will

  • read several short texts
  • write five short reflections
  • attend nine workshops (done during TSIW 1300 class time)
  • attend two tutorials (done outside of class time and scheduled by you)

You must complete these to pass the course.


You will attend nine workshops this semester. Workshops are one hour long and take place during your TSIW 1300 class. This means you will only attend TSIW 1300 nine times this semester (once every other week).

You MUST attend the first day of TSIW 1300. During the first class meeting, your instructor will tell you which days you do and do not need to come to class. (To attend the first day of TSIW 1300, go to the room at the date and time listed on your class schedule, just like your other classes. TSIW begins on the first week of classes.)

Reminder: Check the academic calendar to for the start date of classes.


You must attend two one-on-one tutorials. Unlike workshops, you must schedule these yourself because they do not happen during class time. There are two ways to attend a tutorial:

Method 1: Walk in during student hours.
  1. Come to office suite AUD A106 in the Auditorium Building.
     Note: If the door is open, you can come right in! We're still there even if the light is off (it's on a motion detector). If the door is closed, we might not be there; knock first.
     Directions: The Auditorium Building is on the northeast side of campus, directly accross from the Language Building and Aura Coffee. It's in the M1 gird cell of the campus map.
  2. Let the person at the desk know you'd like to schedule a walk-in tutorial for TSIW 1300.
     Note: If no one's at the desk in the entryway, we might be hiding in the back area. Try calling out "hello."
  3. Take a seat in the waiting area while we get ready. Help yourself to any snacks!
Method 2: Schedule an appointment.
  1. Email a TA.
  2. Make the subject line "TSIW 1300 Tutorial Scheduling"
  3. Use this template for the message:
     "Hello [name of TA],

    I'd like to schedule a TSIW tutorial appointment. Could we meet at [the date and time you want to meet]?

    [Your name]
    TSIW 1300 Section [your class section number, or your professor's name]"

Note: Scheduled appointments get preference over walk-ins.


You will complete five short writing assignments. These are designed to make you think critically about your learning progress.

This semester, the prompts are as follows:

  1. Reflection 1 | How will setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound goals help you succeed?
  2. Reflection 2 | Why does being a strong reader make you a better writer?
  3. Reflection 3 | Why is asking questions complicated, and how can you ask the right questions to get the information you need?
  4. Reflection 4 | How is it possible for one idea to mean multiple things to multiple people? Is that good or bad?
  5. Reflection 5 | Why is it important to regularly and consciously do a personal inventory of your thoughts, feelings, goals, and achievements?


You will have two readings for every module. They include

  • Twilight book excerpt
  • Twilight film clip
  • Interview With a Vampire by Anne Rice
  • "Interview With a Vampire" television series clip
  • "I Look at the World" by Langston Hughes
  • Knives Out excerpt
  • "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan
  • Why Introspection Matters

How Will You Be Graded?

IMPORTANT: Always check your course syllabus for up-to-date grading information.

Overall Course Grade

Unlike most classes, TSIW 1300 is pass / fail. That means any grade at or above 70% is considered an A (4.0 GPA), and anything below 70% is considered an F (0.0 GPA).

To pass, your overall grade must be at least a 70%.

Assignment Grade Breakdown

Your work will be evaluated using the following scale:

Graded Item
Points Each
Points Total
Workshops 5 40 (9 workshops)

You will recieve the full 5 points if you arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop.
Penalties: Points will be deducted if you are late or leave early.

Tutorials 10 20 (2 tutorials)

You will recieve the full points 10 for attending a 30 minute tutorial.

Reflections 10 40 (5 reflections)

You will receive the full points 8 if you follow instructions and submit your work on time.
Penalties: Points will be deducted for work that is late or doesn't follow instructions.

Overall TSIW Course Grade N/A 100 points All of the above are added together to make up your total grade for the class.

What supplies do you need?

All your reading materials for this class are available online through Canvas. In addition, we will also do activities in class, so always come prepared with the following:

  • Laptop — if you don’t have one, you can check one out from AUDB 102. You can also borrow one from the library at the Spark Makerspace.
  • Writer’s Notebook — you must bring a spiral notebook to class each time you meet. Bring it to ENGL 1310, too.
  • Pen or pencil — because you will take notes!

What Skills and Habits Do You Need?

You will need to start exercising some habits as soon as class starts. The habits you need are the same ones used by good college students. You should

  • come to every class meeting
  • come to every class prepared to participate in that day's lesson
  • come to every class on time
  • start working on your assignments as soon as you can
  • turn in your assignments on time (or early!)
  • reach out to your professor or TA as soon as you start having trouble with anything

These habits will greatly improve your chance at success in all your classes. I know you can do it!