Funded Support in the English Graduate Program | Department of English

Funded Support in the English Graduate Program

Voertman-Ardoin Fellowship: These highly competitive, college-wide fellowships are made possible by the generosity of the late Paul Voertman and Richard Ardoin. Voertman-Ardoin Fellows who enter the Ph.D. program with the MA in hand receive an above-standard salary for a period of four years of study and a reduced teaching obligation of 1/1. Should a Voertman-Ardoin Fellow require a fifth year of support, the standard Teaching Fellowship (pls. see below) will apply during that year.

Teaching Fellowships: Many applicants accepted to the Ph.D. Program each year qualify for a Teaching Fellowship, which provides five years of paid teaching with a 2/2 load. Upon successful completion of coursework and qualifying examinations, Teaching Fellows have several opportunities to offer sophomore-level courses and upper-level courses in their chosen fields. Creative Writing students in lead editorial roles at UNT's acclaimed journal American Literary Review may receive a reduced courseload.

Tuition Benefits Program: UNT provides its Teaching Fellows with support from the Tuition Benefits Program, which covers most if not all of their semesterly tuition payment. Currently, UNT English does not have an insurance benefits package to offer its Teaching Fellows, but information regarding required coverage via UNT's Student Health program is here:

Academic Assistantships: MA students or Ph.D. students who have not received Teaching Fellowships may qualify for employment as an Academic Assistant in the First-Year writing Program or upper-level courses, where they would assist faculty with grading and classroom management. MA students in their second year are occasionally provided with a one-year Teaching Fellowship (and TBP support) when lines are available for this purpose. Job posting #8113237

Research Assistantships: Research faculty occasionally request assistance with their own work from a member of their graduate student cohort, who receive an hourly wage for archival work, indexing, and related research support. RAships may be held whether or not already on staff as a Teaching Fellow