Recent Theses and Dissertations | Department of English

Recent Theses and Dissertations

Recent Ph.D. Dissertations


  • Mohammed Alhamili, The Emergence of Arab Nation-State Nationalism as an Alternative to the Supranational Concept of Ummah
  • Anthony Buenning, Shakespeare and Early Modern Trauma
  • Jay Gentry, The World We Want to Leave Behind: White Supremacy in the Apocalyptic Genres Past, Present, and Future
  • Jonathan Duckworth, The Sometime Joy
  • Maricruz Gomez, Chicana Decolonial Feminism: An Interconnectedness of Being
  • Cassia Hameline, Stay for the Heron: Essays
  • Kat Moore, Have You Ever Had a Broken Heart?
  • Aza Pace, Her Terrible Splendor
  • Travis Scott Ray, Stories and "Burning Man"


  • Megan Arlett, Louisiana Saturday Nights
  • Anum Aziz, Mapping the Feminist Movement in Pakistani Literature: Towards a Feminist Future
  • Joshua Jones, Somehow Holier
  • Minadora Macheret, Dear Bone Mother
  • Takuya Matsuda, This Man is Your Friend: Knowing "Us" and "Them" in Ethnic American Literature of the Pacific Theater
  • Lauren Rogener, Cultures of Elite Theatre in the Elizabethan and Jacobean Masque: Four Incarnations
  • Andrew Smith, The Construction of the Fringe Extraterrestrial of Postmodernity
  • Carly Susser, Molt
  • Kevin West, Portal


  • Brett Armes, The Ends of Smaller Worlds
  • Rebecca Bernard, In the Way of Family
  • Natalie Clark, Defining and Teaching Courtliness with Animals and Clothing in the Lais of Marie de France
  • Brian Clifton, Wrong Feast
  • Andrew Koch, Some Names for Empty Space
  • Shannon Sawyer, True War Stories: Lies, Truth, and Recovery in the Non/Fiction of Vietnam
  • Katherine Schneider, Body Doubles: Materiality and Gender Non-Binarism in Victorian Supernatural Fiction
  • Stephanie Vastine, Queerness, Futurity, and Desire in American Literature: Improvising Identity in the Shadow of Empire
  • Aurelia von Tress, Revolutionaries and Prophets: Post-Oppositionality in Kathleen Alcalá's Sonoran Desert Trilogy
  • Sarah Warren, Oklahoma History





Recent MA Theses


  • Xaviera Hernandez, Mexican Goodbye
  • Caleb Kunasek, The Colonial Subject in the Early British Novel: Revisiting Colonial Captivity in Robinson Crusoe


  • John Brandt, "Before This Memory Makes Sense": Essays
  • Joel Najera, Beyond the Hold: The Evolution of the Ship in African American Literature
  • Andrea Perez, Death Date
  • Sara Ulery, Rein of Renegades


  • Kaitlyn Brown, Exploitation, Justification and Overcoming through Voice: Exploring American Slavery and the Slave Narrative in "The Handmaid's Tale"
  • Cade Mason, "Engine Running": Essays
  • Martin Ramirez, "The Sandbox" and Other Short Stories
  • Olivia Trotter, Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy: How Society of Spectacle Bred the Mockingjay