Jehanne Dubrow Ph.D.

Distinguished Research Professor

216 Auditorium Bldg

Jehanne Dubrow

Jehanne Dubrow was born in Italy and grew up in Yugoslavia, Zaire, Poland, Belgium, Austria, and the United States. She is the author of nine poetry collections and three books of creative nonfiction, including most recently Exhibitions: Essays on Art & Atrocity (University of New Mexico Press, 2023). Her tenth book of poems, Civilians, will be published by Louisiana State University Press in 2025. Her poems and essays have appeared in The Southern Review, The New England Review, The Colorado Review, and Ploughshares, among others.

Photo: Brad Taylor []

dots-and-dashesarranged-marriagered-army-redstateside from-the-fever-worldamerican-samizdatthroughsmoke simple-machineswild-kingdomtasteexhibitions