Jill Talbot is the author of The Last Year: Essays (Winner of Wandering Aengus Press Editor's Prize 2023). She's also the author of The Way We Weren't: A Memoir (Soft Skull, 2015) and Loaded: Women and Addiction (Seal Press, 2007), a collection of personal essays. Talbot is the co-editor of The Art of Friction: Where (Non)Fictions Come Together (U of Texas Press, 2008) and the editor of Metawritings: Toward a Theory of Nonfiction (Iowa, 2012). She won The Florida Review's 2021 Jeanne Leiby Chapbook Award Winner for her short story collection, A Distant Town (2022). Her writing has appeared in journals such as AGNI, Brevity, Colorado Review, Diagram, Gulf Coast, Hotel Amerika, LitMag, The Paris Review Daily, and The Rumpus and has been recognized six times in The Best American Essays.
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