409H Language Bldg
Stephanie Hawkins is an associate professor of late nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century American literature and culture at the University of North Texas and former editor-in-chief of Studies in the Novel. The author of American Iconographic: National Geographic, Global Culture, and the Visual Imagination (University of Virginia Press, 2010), her scholarly work focuses on the interface between public attitudes, literary and visual representation, and institutional rhetorics. Her second book, Manufacturing Dissent: American Modernism and the Science of Belief (Cambridge University Press, July 2025) reveals how the early twentieth century’s “lost generation” of writers, artists, and intellectuals combatted disinformation and “fake news.” Her essays on American modernism have appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, Modernism/Modernity (forthcoming 2025), The Henry James Review, Arizona Quarterly, and Texas Studies in Literature and Language. She has published scientific essays on William James and the history of neuroscience in Frontiers in Physiology and in an essay collection on the history of neuroscience published by Springer.